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Waukee ASR Well

Drinking Water

2021 Well Rehabilitation Project – Phases 1 and 2 

Waukee, Iowa   

The City of Waukee hired Veenstra & Kimm in January 2020 to design the conversion of an existing deep well into an Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) well. 

Due to recent rapid population growth, the City required a solution to reduce its peak day water purchase volume from Des Moines Water Works. The ASR well is designed to store potable water in the underground aquifer during the winter’s low water demand. The well will then withdraw and retreat the water in the City’s system during the high-water use summer months.  

To save on project costs, the City converted an existing 2,700 feet deep Jordan aquifer water supply well into an ASR well. The well was first televised and evaluated for use as an ASR well. The Phase 1 project re-cased and pump tested the existing well. The Phase 2 project included the installation of a new pump, motor, ASR control valve, and drop piping, along with the construction of a wellhouse including piping, chemical feed systems and controls. Due to the reduced casing diameter from the re-casing of the well, the ASR well has a capacity of 1.5 MGD.   

Veenstra & Kimm worked to obtain all necessary permits for the project including an Iowa Department of Natural Resources ASR Limited Registration, Construction Permit and Water Use Permit along with an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Preliminary Class V Well Injection Permit. The EPA permitting required the development of a cycle testing schedule to ensure the well and aquifer are suitable. Both permitting processes faced unique challenges due to the close proximity of the existing well with residences, a cemetery and underground utilities.   

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