If you are a contractor interested in partnering with us, we invite you to review our listing and find opportunities that match your skills. To request plans and specs please contact us at 800-241-8000.
Construct improvements including all labor, materials and equipment necessary for excavation, backfill and sitework; reinforced concrete; greenhouse work including plumbing, heating, ventilating, doors, and associated work; revolving algal biofilm (RAB) system work; pumps; electrical work including conduit, cables, wiring, motor controls, starters, switches, fixtures and controls; piping and appurtenances; and miscellaneous associated work, including cleanup.
The work is generally described as: Project includes all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to construct 1,802 SY PCC pavement, 233 SY driveway pavement, 482 SY PCC sidewalk pavement, 3,031 SY pavement removal, excavation, storm sewer pipe, storm sewer inlets, traffic control, mobilization, and miscellaneous work, including cleanup.
The work performed consists of the installation of 631 feet of gravity sanitary sewer, as well as the construction of two new manholes on the Wiele Chevrolet property and along Evans Avenue. This sewer will tie into an existing manhole at the intersection of Evans Avenue and US 6. An existing service will be connected to the proposed sewer, and a new service will connect the existing Wiele septic tank to the proposed sewer. Construction should include clearing and grubbing, trenching, service connections, pavement and culvert removal and replacement, sanitary sewer installation, manhole installation, and erosion control, as well as miscellaneous associated work and clean up.
Construct the 2025 Denmark Hill Booster Station Improvements including all labor, equipment, and materials necessary for excavation, backfill and sitework; reinforced concrete foundation; prefabricated booster station, water main, valves, hydrants, drain line, connections to existing systems, electrical wiring and conduit, controls integration; miscellaneous equipment; site grading, seeding and miscellaneous associated work, including cleanup.
Construct Maple Heights Sanitary Sewer Extension project including all labor, materials and equipment necessary to construct approximately 1,480 Linear Feet of 12‑inch sanitary sewer in open cut, manholes, field tile, excavation and backfill, testing, mobilization, traffic control, surface restoration, erosion control and miscellaneous associated work, including cleanup.