Our Dubuque, Iowa office has moved! Visit us at our new location on Main Street.


If you are a contractor interested in partnering with us, we invite you to review our listing and find opportunities that match your skills. To request plans and specs please contact us at 800-241-8000.

Wells 9 & 10 Standby Generator

Construct improvements including all labor, materials and equipment necessary for removal of existing diesel generator and diesel storage tank piping and appurtenances, removal of existing automatic transfer switch and power distribution switchboard, removal of Well 10 soft starter, installation of new generator and automatic transfer switch, installation of new VFD for Well 10, electrical work including conduit, cables, wiring, switches, fixtures and controls; building and exhaust louver modifications, coordination with electric and gas providers, and miscellaneous associated work, including cleanup. Copies may be obtained from RAPIDS REPRODUCTIONS, 415 Highland Avenue, Suite 100, Iowa City, Iowa 52240. Contact Cindy Plowman at 319-354-5950 or email cindyp@rapidsrepro.com.

BID DATE: Thursday, February 18th , 2:00 PM
LOCATION: Coralville, Iowa

2025 Street Reconstruction 

Construct 2025 Street Reconstruction including all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to construct 7″ PCC pavement (7,908 SY) on a 6″ modified subbase (1,489 CY); subdrain (3,725 LF); intakes (7 Ea.); 12″ – 15″ storm sewer (203 LF); PCC driveways (332 SY); 4”-7″ PCC sidewalk (517  SY); traffic control; earthwork, excavation, backfill, sitework; erosion control, seeding and miscellaneous associated work including cleanup.   The streets can be closed and constructed full width. Copies may be obtained from RAPIDS REPRODUCTION, 415 Highland Avenue, Suite 100, Iowa City, Iowa 52240.  Contact Rapids Reproduction at 319-354-5950 or email iowacity@rapidsrepro.com

BID DATE: Wednesday, February 26th , 2:00 PM
LOCATION: Traer, Iowa

2025 Street Resurfacing 

Provide all labor, equipment and materials necessary to construct street resurfacing including PCC pavement and patching, HMA overlay, pedestrian curb ramps, storm intake replacement, and miscellaneous associated work including cleanup. Copies may be obtained from RAPIDS REPRODUCTION, 415 Highland Avenue, Suite 100, Iowa City, Iowa 52240.  Contact Rapids Reproduction at 319-354-5950 or email iowacity@rapidsrepro.com

BID DATE: Wednesday, February 26th , 2:30 PM
LOCATION: Traer, Iowa

Lucore Road Elevated Storage Tank

Construct Lucore Road Elevated Storage Tank including all labor, equipment and materials necessary to construct a 1,000,000 gallon composite water tower including excavation, backfill and site work, foundation, granular surfacing, buried piping, painting, logos, electrical wiring and conduit, mixing system, lighting, miscellaneous equipment, site grading, surface restoration and miscellaneous associated work for the Lucore Road Elevated Storage Tank including cleanup. Copies may be obtained from RAPIDS REPRODUCTIONS, 415 Highland Avenue, Suite 100, Iowa City, Iowa 52240. Contact Rapids Reproductions at 319-354-5950 or email iowacity@rapidsrepro.com.  

BID DATE: Thursday, February 27th , 2:00 PM
LOCATION: Marion Municipal Water Department, Iowa

Main Street Water Main Replacement

Construct Main Street Water Main Replacement project including all labor, materials and equipment necessary to construct approximately 2,420 linear feet of 8‑inch water main by open cut, 205 linear feet of 8‑inch water main by trenchless construction, hydrants, valves, fittings, connections to the existing system, service reconnections, traffic control, pavement removal and replacement, surface restoration, erosion control and miscellaneous associated work, including cleanup.

BID DATE: Thursday, February 27th , 1:00 PM
LOCATION: Norwalk, Iowa

Sycamore Street Improvements

Provide all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to construct the Sycamore Street Improvements project including approximately 14,130 SY of new urban section PCC pavement with roundabout, 3,470 SY of PCC shared use trail, 113 SY of PCC sidewalk, 272 SY of PCC driveways, 2,350 linear feet of storm sewer, testing, mobilization, traffic control and miscellaneous work, including cleanup.

BID DATE: Wednesday, March 5th , 11:00 AM
LOCATION: Granger, Iowa

Mississippi River Trail 

The work performed includes about 900 linear feet of a PCC trail starting at the riverfront parking lot and ending at the railroad right of way on Ferry Street. The trail will be 10’ wide and 6” thick PCC with 2’ graded shoulders on a 6” subbase. The trail will also include a pre-engineered steel truss bridge over Ferry Creek. Construction should include clearing, excavation, grading trail and bridge construction, seeding, riprap, erosion control, as well as miscellaneous associated work and clean up. 

BID DATE: Thursday, March 5th , 2:00 PM
LOCATION: LeClaire, Iowa

West Area Trunk Sewer Extension – Phase 3

Construct West Area Trunk Sewer Extension – Phase 3 including all labor, materials and equipment necessary for approximately 3,300 linear feet of 8-inch through 24-inch diameter sanitary sewer in open cut and augured in steel casing, manholes, excavation and backfill, surface restoration and miscellaneous associated work, including cleanup.

BID DATE: Tuesday, March 11th, 2:00PM
LOCATION: Waukee, Iowa
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